March 18, 2022
World Sleep Day: An Investigation Into Your Sleep Patterns
By Cheyanne Lobo
How did you sleep? We asked Canadians like you that very question. As World Sleep Day approached this year, we saw it as the perfect opportunity to learn more about your sleep habits. This year’s World Sleep Day theme is Quality Sleep, Sound Mind, Happy World.1 So, let’s uncover this year’s sleep challenges and triumphs.

Quality Sleep
Lazy Sunday afternoon naps. Rainy nights spent under the covers. Eyelids fluttering from peaceful dreams. Ahhh, if only we could have a quality sleep like that every night. Unsurprisingly you told us it’s much more complicated than simply closing your eyes and drifting off.
Irregular sleep patterns are more common than you think. We found that daytime stressors are seeping into your evenings. A whopping 50% of Canadians listed stress from personal life as a reason their sleep was impacted in the last year. Stress from work/career (36%) and stress from current events (33%) were also strong runner-ups.
50% of Canadians listed stress from personal life as a reason their sleep was impacted in the last year.
Stress and late-night anxiety are known to cause restless nights. And we don’t blame you for ruminating instead of relaxing before bed. Achieving a normal, healthy sleep pattern is difficult. Being in a pandemic has upended countless sleeping routines, and its impact even has a name, “coronasomnia”.2 Switching from days filled with tension & uncertainty to evenings where you’re supposed to shut down is challenging, even for the fastest of sleepers.
Sound Mind
So, how have Canadians dealt with poor sleep quality? Naps. To help improve sleep, 30% of Canadians said they napped more during the pandemic, and 40% (yes 40%!) of Quebecers take more naps now than they did before working from home.
30% of Canadians said they napped more during the pandemic, and 40% of Quebecers take more naps now than they did before working from home
Along with napping, sleep aids are being used to help keep Canadians relaxed. Another fun fact about sleep, around 1 in 4 Canadians use sleep aids more now than before the pandemic. There is no fix-all sleep aid solution to help ease your mind before bed because different tactics work for different people! However, we recommend experimenting with weighted blankets, noise machines, sleep masks…or whatever else floats your boat until you find a bedtime routine that works for you.
Happy World
Why is all this important? Good sleep habits connect to other factors in your life like happiness, health, and even brain function.3 To go out into the world as your best self can be challenging, especially when you’re not getting the rest you need. We found that 38% of Canadians admit that the pandemic negatively impacts their sleep quality, and 76% say poor sleep quality negatively impacts the rest of their day.
38% of Canadians admit that the pandemic negatively impacts their sleep quality, and 76% say poor sleep quality negatively impacts the rest of their day.
Prioritizing rest is prioritizing your health. Learning from all you snorers, nappers, and deep sleep dozers helps us identify opportunities for education and improvements in sleep wellness. Sleep is the foundation of our everyday lives, and the first step to a happier world is a better bedtime. We encourage all of you to spend this World Sleep Day from the comfort of your bed– after all, the purpose of World Sleep Day is to appreciate the importance of healthy sleep habits and rejuvenating rest!

Learn about the value of sleep wellness and how Canadians across the country are finding ways to protect and improve their sleep.
Download the Endy 2022 Canadian Sleep Survey